All About Me

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I am an adamant but sensitive person who likes to have fun always without working hard.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Chow-Mow

Grilled chicken, Cheese Stick, Clementine, Strawberries

Fried hard boiled eggs, strawberries, cheese and more cheese!

Cheese-Spinach-Oregano Omelet

Molasses Cookies...

Cookies in the oven 

Baked Cookies...smells yumm...but i feel they are too sugary...

Pizza dough covered with tomato sauce, roasted onions, red peppers and eggplant
Fresh cut Mozzarella Cheese

Cheese sizzling/baking in the oven

The Final Product--Yumm!! Pizza ready!
Individual cut piece..
Hot-Upma Pesarattu

Hot from the griddle...tasted delicious

Here I am...

After so many years of speechless/inactive/bland/boring/no-post(s) blog of mine, Here I am to make some noise, to roll the have some fun...and show you the other side of the window of mine...
A lot has happened since my last post...I had a baby boy in 2012...As most of the women say...the most wonderful and amazing thing in life...He is truly a god-sent gift. 
Well, apart from being a new mom and getting adjusted to the routine, it seems like time is not just flying its running so rapidly that you don't even have time to think how it past by...Isn't that amazing....
I always wanted to do some baking and join baking classes and I did take up the basic cake decorating was a fun thing to learn and I did learn lot of new things about cakes and baking....

I can't sum up everything today in this post on what all I achieved/lost all these years but will try to write or post something everyday from now Cheers to ME!!!