All About Me

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I am an adamant but sensitive person who likes to have fun always without working hard.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Everybody is talking about Mothers day

Mothers Day....
Well...while growing up, we never celebrated Mothers Day back in the day...Now-a-days, mothers day has become so popular that, kids are expected to do something to their mothers..similarly for Fathers Day...
But I guess, being a mother is more precious than being a father...hahaha
Well, here is my take on Mothers day...I am proud to be a mother...It is an amazing feeling...I seriously take the pride in being a mom...May be I am being very rude...but I feel great being a Mom...being called a MOM, being loved by someone who came from their womb...having the feeling that you own the tiny human being feels soo good...I LOVE MY SON...Thank You for giving me the chance to become a MOM...
Well, thats me being the mom...I have to definitely say about my mom...She is a wonderful person...I remember those days, when my mom used to save all the candies/goodies that she received from school and giving to us kids without having any of them...thats really amazing...sacrifice...taking care of me when I was sick...and standing by me when I needed words to describe the warmth and love she has given me....

Here is a selfie with my lovable son!!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Feelings of a newly married women to her mom

I read this article from facebook and I really liked it as it so true in many ways...It reminds me of my newly married days...Some of these feelings were going through my mind too....beautifully written by Nirupama Shyam...

A Cute Letter from a newly married girl to her mother
Dear mom,
Like every normal girl, I was excited about marriage right from my childhood days. I never thought beyond the time that I would spend happily with my prince charming.
But today when I am married, I realize that marriage is not all roses. It’s not just about being with your beloved and having a gala time. There is so much more to it. It comes with its own share of responsibilities, duties, sacrifices and compromises.
I can’t wake up anytime I want to.
I am expected to be up and ready before everyone else in the family.
I can’t laze around in my pyjamas throughout the day.
I am expected to be presentable every time.
I can’t just go out anytime I want to.
I am expected to be sensitive to the needs of the family.
I just can’t hit the bed anytime I want to.
I am expected to be active and around the family.
I can’t expect to be treated like a princess but am supposed to take care of everyone else in the family.
And then I think to myself, ‘why did I get married at all?’ I was happier with you, mom. Sometimes I think of coming back to you and getting pampered again.
I want to come home to my favourite food cooked by you every evening after a nice outing with friends. I want to sleep on your laps like I have no worry in this world. But then I suddenly realize, had you not got married and made such sacrifices in your life, I wouldn't have had so many wonderful memories to hang on to. And suddenly, the purpose of all this becomes clear- to return the same comfort, peace and happiness to my new family that I got from you.
And I am sure that as time would pass, I would start loving this life equally as you do. Thank you mom for all the sacrifices and compromises you made. They give me the strength to do the same. Love you.
It's an excellent article for all daughters

Friday, April 11, 2014

I am sick of being sick...

Lately, I have getting so sick. It all started in July of 2013, We were planning to have friends over the long weekend and suddenly, I was sick. We had to cancel our plans. It started off with just a common cold and then severe cough. The cough was so severe that I had to go to Urgent care. They took and X-ray and took a breathing test. The doctor prescribed antibiotics and a cough suppressant for the night.  He mentioned, it could be some sort of sinus allergy. We thought it was some seasonal thing and after taking the antibiotics and resting for couple of days, the cough went away. Few said, having a toddler at home would make the parents also sick. Few days past by, I was feeling fine. Then by the end of July, I visited the doctor for the same symptoms. They treated me for Bronchitis, prescribed with an inhaler using Flovent medication to open up the airways in the lungs and Robitussin with codeine for the cough.
Again visited my Physician after 2 days as the cough got very severe. She asked me to keep taking the inhaler. The cough subsided for couple of days and then again in August, I visited the doctor again with the same symptoms. This time, she diagnosed with Upper Respiratory Infection.Same old medication. August, September, had the same issues..asked for a specialist referral, went to see an ENT doctor, the ENT specialist said nothing was wrong, everything looks good...
December...went to visit the doctor again with the same symptoms, tested me for FLu, strep throat...everything came out negative...still no answer...I thought it could have been some sort of allergy..went to have various allergy tests...all the results were negative, the allergist did a breathe test and Boy it was hard for me to blow hard...made be very tired to blow air out of my lungs....It didn't occur to that time...I should be seeing a Pulmonary specialist who specialises in breathing...lungs...cough etc...The allergist mentioned that I have some sort of Asthma...I was upset...Asthma at this age? How can this happen? Felt bad...of course....WHY ME????Was asked to keep taking the FLovent...I did for a while and stopped taking it after I felt little better...
Luckily, October, December and January were cough free...Once again the symptoms creep up in February, the physician till date doesn't tell me to see a specialist. My light bulbs blew up and I asked for a referral to see a pulmonary specialist, then I made an appointment with the specialist, in the meanwhile,  I am sick, sore throat-cold-severe cough....had to take time off from work...people at work were worried on what was happening to me...went to the clinic again.(this time, appointment with a NP)..finally after so many months, they take a chest x-ray...they found infection in the lungs...confirmed it as Pneumonia...prescribes antibiotics...The cough has been making me so tired and was not able to sleep for 3 days...if i lay down, the cough gets so severe....Had been taking the symbicort and albuterol...nothing was really the meantime, finally had the appointment with the Pulmonary specialist. First thing, she orders is a CAT scan, blood work for several things...For the first time, I felt, she understood my problem...she prescribed me a more powerful medicine for the cough to make sleep during the helped a lot...I took several breathing tests...all the other tests came negative...the doc finally wanted me to take a bronchoscopy to sneak peek at my lungs...I was fine for a week and then I am coughing up a bit...
I should have taken my health seriously when I having these symptoms so repeatedly...I should have changed my physician when she asked me what medication worked for me before so she can prescribe me those when I went to see her...and when she said that those medications will be effective only when I keep taking them for a long time...I hate her...seriously dislike her for not directing me properly...If you can't treat and then please direct me to someone who can...
I am writing this in my blog to show my agony...anguish..suffering... that I am going through at this point of my life. My work and my personal life is so getting affected by this stupid infection...
I am seriously so tired being sick...I want to be active and well again...I want to be cough-free...Please I am sick of being sick.....Please get me a cure to my cough :(

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Chow-Mow

Grilled chicken, Cheese Stick, Clementine, Strawberries

Fried hard boiled eggs, strawberries, cheese and more cheese!

Cheese-Spinach-Oregano Omelet

Molasses Cookies...

Cookies in the oven 

Baked Cookies...smells yumm...but i feel they are too sugary...

Pizza dough covered with tomato sauce, roasted onions, red peppers and eggplant
Fresh cut Mozzarella Cheese

Cheese sizzling/baking in the oven

The Final Product--Yumm!! Pizza ready!
Individual cut piece..
Hot-Upma Pesarattu

Hot from the griddle...tasted delicious

Here I am...

After so many years of speechless/inactive/bland/boring/no-post(s) blog of mine, Here I am to make some noise, to roll the have some fun...and show you the other side of the window of mine...
A lot has happened since my last post...I had a baby boy in 2012...As most of the women say...the most wonderful and amazing thing in life...He is truly a god-sent gift. 
Well, apart from being a new mom and getting adjusted to the routine, it seems like time is not just flying its running so rapidly that you don't even have time to think how it past by...Isn't that amazing....
I always wanted to do some baking and join baking classes and I did take up the basic cake decorating was a fun thing to learn and I did learn lot of new things about cakes and baking....

I can't sum up everything today in this post on what all I achieved/lost all these years but will try to write or post something everyday from now Cheers to ME!!!